Grand papa joe screws up again with his pre-written speech

              Public speech is a scary thing for some people. Public speech is one of the most feared things in the world but people like politicians and public figures have to do it. so when you mess up it’s not a big deal right it’s just a simple mistake. It’s kind of hard to say that when you’re reading off a teleprompter and you say your punctuation out loud and your note to self. Well correction when their notes to you written by someone else “no one knows who wrote these notes to you but you have to read them all out loud”.  That’s exactly what was going through the head of the leader of the global superpower known as America. Good old grandpa Joe Bien is failing us mentally and physically “how did we elect such a old brain dead moron who’s very existence harms the well-being of this country”  . Well don’t ask me or yourself that ask the Brain dead leaders of that god forsaken party. Your probably saying “what on gods green earth could he have said to set the whole nation on fire”. Well our amazing president said this 

“ majority rights and I quote Women it’s a quote now from the majority Women are not without electoral or political power. It is noteworthy that the percentage of women Who registered to vote and cast a ballot is consistently higher than the percentage of men

Who do some end of quote Repeat the line”. I wasn’t even typing that I copy and paste did the part of the transcript that had those six words “end of quote repeat the line”. Now for any left-wing people Reading riddle me this why would our amazing president put end of quote repeat the line at the end of his paper written sentence why. Who pre-wrote the speech form is unclear but we are allowed to speculate who is writing our country. That’s only one of the many shady things that the Biden administration has done for more shady things at the Biden administration has done tune in to the YouTube channel or just stay up-to-date on the written news stories.
