Jayland Walker justified or a freak act of police brutality

             Racism a part of society as we know it there’s no way to get around it it happens but that doesn’t mean everything is racism. When a “Unjustified shooting” happens doesn’t mean that it’s racism and a fine example of that is the Jayland Walker shooting. Monday, June 27, 2022 Mr. Walker had committed a traffic violation and a Akron city police officer tried to issue a traffic stop but Mr. Walker decided he had other plans and instead tried to evade police and in the process shooting off one round toward a police cruiser. A few miles down the road Mr. Walker slows down his car and jumps out wearing a ski mask already off the bat that debunks the racist police officer theory that they shot him because he was black. The ski mask was covering his face so you couldn’t see his skin tone now let’s resume this tragic tale.        Mr. Walker jumps out of his car and proceeded to run on foot 13 police officers begin to chase him because he is now considered a danger to the public after you know shooting a gun at a police cruiser. After around 70 feet Mr. Walker turns around with his hand to his waist walking towards the police officers and the police officers open fire and all collectively shot 90 rounds into Mr. Walker’s body fatally wounding him. Let me ask you this one question would you shoot someone if you were chasing them and they already shot a gun at you and then turned around with their hand to their waist walking toward you the answer is yes. This tragedy brings up to talking points for the left number one police brutality just because the “Victim“ was A member of a minority does not mean that it was racism furthermore proving my point that cops are not racist. And the second talking point is gun control the left likes to say “we have to take guns away from everyone even law-abiding citizens that are responsible just because a few hooligans and disgusting human beings decided to do terrible things with this tool“.            This shooting will open up New doors for the left to regulate firearms I digress I’m getting a little off topic, In conclusion I in many other people believe that this was a justified shooting and that it was not subject to racism racial bigotry or racial bias that is all I have for you people today make sure to check my blog every week for new and exciting news stories.
